Agneta Lamun, Elder, Dayak (Tahak Village, West Borneo)

Agneta Lamun was born in Tahak 8th July 1966. She is a Dayak Simpakng elder from Tahak village, Ketapang regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. A story teller, she has a lot of knowledge about the traditional medicine, rituals, and understand the sign of the nature and animals. Since she was a child, she always joined her parents to gather the traditional medicine in the forest, because her father was also a healer (he has already passed away). Because she often joined her father doing a ritual, Agneta Lamun had a chance to help prepare the offering for the ritual, and she continues until now. Many people in the village and other villages even from the city ask for the traditional medicine from her, but she never ask for the fare. She helps people pure from her heart.