Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq (Kalaallit Nunaat Nation, Greenland)
The Prophecy
Mother Earth’s face is changing. It is apparent that the time in which we now live is the actual story referred to in an ancient prophecy. The Kalaallit-Eskimos have been handing this prophecy down from generation to generation.
On July 17, 2009 the Sacred Fire returned to the Top of the World. Twenty-five kilometers east of Kangerlussuaq, on the west coast of Greenland, a three-day ceremony took place. It embodied the spiritual meaning of climate change and expressed the return of the Sacred Fire and the melting of the Big Ice as one and the same.
“The Ancient Ones say, that one day, when the world needs it the most, the Sacred Fire will come home to the people at the Top of the World. It is the time when the trees will stand up again. We will, once again, be able to ignite a fire with wood from Mother Earth and relieve animals, like the seal, of their duties. The Ancient Ones say that the way in which we know the calendar will come to an end. What does this mean? Today we know spring, summer, fall and winter. These seasons will be no more. And when you ask what will be, they say, ‘No one knows’. The Ancient Ones say many will die, many more will hardly survive, only few will have a life. Only by melting the ice in the heart of man, will man have the chance to change and use his knowledge wisely.”
Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq
In Seminars and Workshops Angaangaq is introducing into his work as a shaman, traditional healer and medicine man. By his presence and his warm heart energy personal transformation happens. As he weaves the energy of the group through his stories and chants into a circle of strength, the ice in the heart of each participant begins to melt. We begin to see our world with different eyes, as our hearts open to the beauty within and around us and our awareness of ourselves and others expands.
Workshops can take some hours or a day and can also be offered during a conference. Intensive -Seminars are lasting several days.
Current Seminars and lectures with Angaangaq
“As human beings we need to be connected to each other, but we are so many and so overcrowded that in the central station of Rome, thousands of people do not greet each other, do not see each other, do not recognize each other. This is true all over the world, and I have traveled all over the world. It is not sustainable in the human world, it is not sustainable for the animal world because we took their land too. It is not sustainable for the plant world because we have destroyed the diversity. It is not sustainable for the waters because we have polluted them and damaged the life in them. Then we have exploited the mineral world without thinking about what will happen tomorrow. So we did this. We knew that we were living on the edge… ”
Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq
BridgeWalkers MOVIE
A Film by One River Productions (2013). Directed by Kara Rhodes, Jim Whitney, USA/Canada, 2013, 76 min. Starring Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Chief Darrell Bob, Leading Earth Man Dave Courchene, and Eskimo Shaman Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq. Tribal leaders from around the world gather in ceremony to awaken ancient prophecies.
A documentary film bringing forth ancient prophecies and indigenous wisdom for the healing of humanity and our earth. Bridgewalkers takes us on a quest exploring ancient indigenous knowledge as a solution to our environmental, social and economic world crisis of today. From Greenland to Canada and thru the Americas, we delve deeply into the prophecies and visions of Indigenous Spiritual Leaders, Elders and shamans that help us awaken our hearts, heal our wounds and rekindle our spirits. Through a cinematic tapestry of ceremonies, prayers and sacred teachings, the audience is able to reconnect with Mother Earth, Creator and ultimately our own deepest hearts.
Melting the Ice in the Heart of Man is an ancient teaching from the indigenous people of Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland), a peaceful culture thousands of years old that has never known war. It summons us to bridge the distance from our minds to our hearts through strength and gentleness; through compassion and love; through courage and grace, bringing about personal transformation and global healing for the times to come.
The time has come to unite our voices and our hearts, to walk our spiritual paths with practical feet, to restore the balance that’s been missing on the earth. It is time now to melt the Ice in the Heart of Man.
Angaangaq is sharing the ancient teachings of his ancestors in seminars, talks and individual sessions.
“The greatest distance in the existence of Man is not from here to there nor from there to here. Nay, the greatest distance in the existence of Man is from his mind to his heart. Unless he conquers that distance, he can never learn to soar like an eagle and realize his own immensity within.”
Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq
Support the planning and construction of the Healing Center with a donation to the German nonprofit association Katalysator e. V.
If you have any questions, please contact: katalysator.verein(at)gmx.de
Aanakasaap Illua means “Grandmother´s Home” and is named after Angaangaq´s Grandmother Aanakasaa. The Healing Center on the Mountain of Qaqqarsuaq near Kangerlussuaq in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) will provide therapy of addictive and other mental disorders, and a hospital, applying the best of both modern and traditional healing modalities.
Aanakasaap Illua will combine sustainable innovative plant growing indoors and permaculture in the area of local medicinal plants, a sustainable farming and aqua farming (Greenland salmon and arctic char, raised in their natural habitat), a hotel, and the sale of goods produced on the premises.
Aanakasaap Illua will be adjacent to the village of Qaqqarsuaq which will house staff members including their families.
Aanakasaap Illua and the village of Qaqqarsuaq will be constructed and run in a self-sustaining and carbon-neutral manner, meeting the highest standards of ecological suitability.
Angaangaq was born in Greenland in 1947. He is an elder, traditional healer, spiritual teacher and shaman from Greenland. He grew up in a remote village in Greenland, where his grandmother recognized his gift to continue the healing tradition of the family and trained him for becoming a shaman.
His spiritual task, given by his mother, is “to melt the ice in heart of man”.
Already in 1975, as a young man, he received the task from the elders to be a “runner” for them and to bring the message about the melting of the Big Ice in Greenland to the world.
His teachings come from the Eskimo Kalaallit – a peaceful culture that is thousands of years old and has not experienced war. These teachings have enabled people to survive in one of the harshest places on earth. They call us to bridge the distance between our minds and hearts through strength and gentleness, compassion and love, courage and determination, to make personal and global transformation and healing possible.
His work took him to more than 70 countries around the world. He is a keynote speaker at international conferences on climate change, environmental issues and indigenous affairs and has represented the Arctic people at the UN General Assembly. He has met with personalities like Nelson Mandela, Michail Gorbatschow, Pope John Paul II., Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama and has participated in several documentary films. He has passed on his knowledge to universities, schools, companies, retirement homes and prisons.
Angaangaq conducts circles, seminars and ceremonies. He speaks English.”It is easy to melt the ice on the ground. The hardest thing is to melt the ice in the heart of man. Only by melting the ice in the heart of man, man will have a chance to change and use his knowledge wisely.”
The Circle is one of Angaangaq’s main teachings. The whole world is a circle, a ceremony in itself. This circle, which has no beginning and no end, to which we all belong. The beauty of the circle, is
that we cannot see each other’s backs. And the strength of the circle is, that we only can see each others beauty.
Being in a circle with Angaangaq is a life changing experience. As we are walking with Angaangaq our awareness grows and our view on life changes. Our love for ourselves and others starts to flow and our powerful being, our inner strength comes alive.


Qilaut – the wind drum
Qilaut, the Greenlandic Wind Drum, is a circle that has no beginning nor ending, in which we all belong. Only The Man Who Made Us – The Great Creator – holds the handle, and every time He touches upon the rim, He hears the heart beat of mankind. The stronger the heart beat the healthier mankind is.
There is an old prayer that says – my prayer is that we will all have a strong heart beat so we can be healthy together – and since it is your heart beat, every time you talk to your heart, she will always speak back. So now it is for you and I to learn to listen to our hearts.

Creating Smoke
We can create smoke to ground ourselves, calming the atmosphere before and after a healing, initiation or ceremony, and to help purify sacred objects before using them. The smoke from the plant is used for purification, spiritual preparation or when giving thanks and lending support to our intentions and prayers.
The process of creating smoke serves to still and focus the mind on the ceremony and on your intention. Its’ fragrance employs our sense of smell and deepens our conscious experience engaging multiple levels and channels within us allowing a fuller experience to unfold during our spiritual practices.

The Storyteller
Knowledge of the indigenous culture of Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) has been kept alive for thousands of years and generations through the art of storytelling. By telling stories with skill, detail and accuracy, the storyteller preserves the heritage that would otherwise be lost and forgotten, passing along spiritual beliefs and cultural traditions exactly the way they have been for generations