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  • May 15, 2021 – streaming

    The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations Hear the wisdom shared by a delegation of elders who come with directions from Mother Earth to help us walk through these times of great chaos and change. Recorded May 15, 2021 Grandmother Luisah Teish (Lyanifa and Oshun Chief) Grandmother Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook (Oglala Sioux […]

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  • March 20, 2021 – Streaming

    The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations Hear the wisdom shared by a delegation of elders who come with directions from Mother Earth to help us walk through these times of great chaos and change. Recorded March 20, 2021 Grandmother Jyoti Ma (Elder, USA) Grandmother Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook (Oglala Sioux Nation, Turtle […]

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  • February 20, 2021 – Streaming

     The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations In partnership with Global Days of Unity Hear the wisdom shared by a delegation of elders who come with directions from Mother Earth to help us walk through these times of great chaos and change. Mamo Manuel’s message for this significant time of the turning. Recorded February […]

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  • January 16, 2021 – Streaming

    The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations In partnership with Global Days of Unity Hear the wisdom shared by a delegation of elders who come with directions from Mother Earth to help us walk through these times of great chaos and change. Hear Kurikindi and Mamo Manuel’s messages for this significant time of the […]

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