The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations has a number of working circles to focus on specific areas that the Delegation feels are significant during these times of transformation. These initiatives are driving our united actions:
Global Relations Working Circle meets to consider projects and partners who have an interest in making relations with or offering services and/or products to the Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations.
Proclamation Working Circle meets to work towards ending the Doctrine of Discovery, and returning sacred artifacts to their rightful cultures. It is a time when the domination code must be dissolved guided by a return to the original matriarchal culture. It is a time when the domination code must be dissolved guided by a remembering and a return to original principles. Read A Proclamation and Petition from the Mother Earth Delegation Regarding Vatican Papal Bulls of the Fifteenth Century.
Protocol Working Circle works to ensure that there are protocols in place for the various gatherings of peoples from around the earth. It is important to honor each of the different lines of protocol that the delegation walks with.
Public Global Prayer Circle meets every 3rd Saturday at 2pm pacific on a public call with prayer offerings from the delegates. This online prayer reaches listeners from around the Earth and is galvanizing a global community. Anyone can listen via zoom or the live stream on FB.
Rights of Nature Working Circle meets to discuss what is needed to ensure that all of life is recognized as sacred with a right to live.
Sacred Territories Working Circle meets to discuss how to ensure Sacred Lands and the Original Caretakers of that territory are protected. We know that the bio-cultural diversity of these territories are essential for the health of all. We also recognize that the knowledge and traditional ceremonies of the Original Cultures are what must be protected and listened to as we go forward.
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Stop Ecocide Alliance is not a working circle or associated with the Delegation, yet is an organization that is in alignment with the work being done by the Delegates to protect the Earth.