How Did We Get Here?
Join us for this eye-opening award-winning film: “The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code”, which shares important origins behind today’s challenges. The film has been opening hearts and minds around the world since 2015.
Join renowned international speakers Steven Newcomb and Shawna Bluestar for this powerful film, followed by Q & A. They offer insights into what unites us all, and a positive way forward. The film is premised on Mr. Newcomb’s best-selling book. This work is based on more than 40 years of extensive research by Mr. Newcomb as a legal scholar, author and international speaker. Together with his daughter Shawna Bluestar, they are leading a global movement for conscious change. The work is celebrated worldwide at universities, churches, local and international organizations, and with peoples of all backgrounds.
Description of the film:
The award-winning film “The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking The Domination Code” is a compelling presentation that connects the dots to root causes behind current events & crises affecting All Peoples & the Earth. The film tells the story of how little known Vatican documents of the fifteenth century resulted in global momentum of domination and dehumanization. This led to law systems in the U.S. and Canada, and throughout the world, that are still used against Indigenous Nations, & Peoples to this day. These destructive patterns set into motion systems that affect all Peoples, Beings, & the planet today; and relate to current ecological, social, economic & political issues affecting us all.
*We respect people of all faiths & backgrounds. Parts of the film can be sensitve for some viewers. It examines the legacy of domination code systems & patterns. The film concludes with traditional teachings developed over thousands of years that provide a positive alternative.